„Paths are made by walking“
Franz Kafka
About Me

Education & Further Education:
I fulfil the criteria of the European Coaching Association (ECA) in the following specializations:
- Systemic Master of Coaching
- Systemic Coach & Consultant
- Systemic Constallation Coach
- Hypno Systemic Coach & Trainer
Die European Coaching Association (ECA) is a professional association of coaches in Europe. ECA licensing guarantees a qualified education and a defined level of experience in the various fields of coaching.
- Guest trainer at CoachAkademie Schweiz http://www.coach-trainer-akademie.ch
- Specialist for high sensitivity
- ThetaHealing Practitioner
- Ongoing further education and supervision
Professional Career:
After a long career in office management as senior executive assistant in the fields of media, international personal & consulting and after basic studies in human resources management, my desire to put the human being at the center of my professional activities intensified.
After intensive years of training and further education in coaching and life coaching the focus of my work increasingly shifted to coaching and supporting people in creative & transformation processes.
During the past years I had the wonderful opportunity to look at my own personal themes, supported by mindful trainers, coaches and companions. I am very glad that I decided to walk this path. The intensive examination of my self has made the acceptance of my current situation and a curious & trusting exploration of new paths possible in the first place.
New beginnings, new paths, changes and the search for my heart’s truth characterize my life. I aim to pass on my experiences and the trust I developed in my own path and to support people in development processes in a sincere, respectful and mindful manner.
I was born in Germany in 1967 and have been living in Zurich, Switzerland, since 2009.